You’ll find the books you need to read for your programme in your module reading lists on Canvas. For independent research, use an ‘everything except articles’ search on Library Search or browse our e-book collections.
Library Search is our library catalogue; a powerful search engine that holds records for all the physical and electronic items that you have access to here at Newcastle University.
You can use Library Search to find a specific title or works by a particular author, or you can browse information available by topic. It’s an excellent place to start your independent research as it covers all subject areas.
Find out more about Library Search and how to search the catalogue effectively on the Library Search page of the Academic Skills Kit.
Library Search enables you to search across all print and e-book collections. However, if you want to search / browse e-books from a particular supplier or collection, you’ll find links to subject specific e-book collections below:
A collection of high quality, full-text, academic e-books covering subjects in humanities and social sciences.
Collection of full text reference books in various fields of language and linguistics.
E-book collection covering subjects such as: Applied linguistics, Corpus and computational linguistics, ELT and TSOL (Linguistics), Grammar, syntax and morphology, Language acquisition, Language and education (Linguistics), Second language acquisition, Semiotics…and more.
Online access to volumes of the Cambridge Histories reference series, with titles covering worldwide history from ancient to modern, as well as history of literature, language, music and theatre, philosophy, politics, and religion.
An e-book collection of handbooks covering topics relevant to the field of linguistics. Each handbook includes specially commissioned essays from experts in the discipline, presenting an authoritative perspective on current thinking, debates and research. To browse content, select the subject drop-down menu, then Arts and Humanities > Linguistics > Browse content in linguistics.
Contains digital facsimile page images of almost every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America, and works in English printed elsewhere from 1470-1700 - from the first book printed in English by William Caxton, through the age of Spenser and Shakespeare and the tumult of the English Civil War.
Draws together a diverse array of printed sources from major European libraries, covering 15th to 17th century.
Contains digital facsimile page images of books, pamphlets, broadsides and ephemera in every subject published or printed primarily in England, Scotland, Ireland and the United States between 1701 and 1800.
Explore further tools, guides and support from the Library.