Who is involved in the review? Is it a team effort or largely you as an individual (you will need at least a second screener and they will need access to the same software chosen for screening)?
Do you have a clear idea of your inclusion and exclusion criteria to enable anyone involved to carry out the screening in a consistent manner?
When you have chosen the studies to include do you know how to carry out forward and backward citation searching?
For further clarification check with your supervisor or tutor.
Software tools for screening results - make heading
You can work through screening as a team, record your progress, double screen and deduplicate.
Rayyan - is a web application designed for screening results a limited version freely available, full access requires a subscription
Covidence - is a similar web application available on subscription.
For the final set of included studies you may wish to carry out Forward and Backward searching. For more information on Forward and Backward searching watch the 360 degree searching video on the Academic Skills Kit Keeping up to date page.