You’ll find the books you need to read for your programme in your module reading lists on Canvas. For independent research, use an ‘everything except articles’ search on Library Search or browse our e-book collections.
Library Search is our library catalogue; a powerful search engine that holds records for all the physical and electronic items that you have access to here at Newcastle University.
You can use Library Search to find a specific title or works by a particular author, or you can browse information available by topic. It’s an excellent place to start your independent research as it covers all subject areas.
Find out more about Library Search and how to search the catalogue effectively on the Library Search page of the Academic Skills Kit.
Library Search enables you to search across all print and e-book collections. However, if you want to search / browse e-books from a particular supplier or collection, you’ll find links to subject specific e-book collections below:
The series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), which includes Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI), provides details of books covering new developments in computer science and information technology research, teaching, and education. Individual book titles can be accessed via Library Search.
As well as all aspects of engineering, Knovel is useful for biotechnology, computing, food science, marine technology, molecular biology and chemistry. Subjects covered include technical reference books. There are Interactive graphs and tables,material and substance properties data and interactive equations. The Data Search tool can be used to build queries around different materials or substances.
High-quality eBooks content in engineering and computer science, covering topics such as: aerospace, bioengineering, computing, fields, waves and electromagnetics, geoscience, nuclear engineering, robotics, transportation and more.
IEEE Wiley eBook collection provides full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics.
E-books published by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), and covers topics such as built environment, computing, robotics, energy, radar, sonar, navigation, telecommunications, transportation and more! **Please note that we only have access to full text eBooks from 2009-2023**
The MIT Press eBooks Library offers access to titles in computer science, artificial intelligence, information technology and electrical engineering.
Ebook Central delivers a breadth and depth of e-books from scholarly sources, including university presses and other top publishers.
Access to over 33,000 e-books and includes leading titles in over 30 subjects across the Humanities, Social Sciences, Science, Technology & Medicine.
Full-text access to over 6,000 reference books on a wide range of subjects, such as: Business & management, computer science, education, law, media & communications, medicine, engineering, social sciences and humanities.
A selection of full-text, e-book titles covering subjects such as Artificial Intelligence, Boolean networks, machine learning and data mining, robotics, computer security, bioinformatics and more.
Did you know we regularly take out trials of new resources (e.g. databases and digitised archives)? Find out what we are currently trialling on our blog. If you are interested in the resource, please explore it and remember to send us feedback!
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