A guide to complement the Law in Literature collection housed in the Law Library
Library Search enables you to search across all print and eBook collections. However, if you want to search/browse eBooks from a particular supplier or collection, you can find links to subject specific eBook collections below.
Online access to novels, and other writings, from around the world, dating from the Medieval Period through to the 20th century. Each book includes introductions, explanatory notes, chronologies, and bibliographies.
A digital library comprising playtexts from a range of plays and playwrights, from ancient Greek drama to contemporary works; as well as film and audio recordings of productions, and contextual resources relating to drama theory and practice.
Database containing full-text works of poetry, prose and drama from the 8th century to the present day written in the English language, together with a library of historical and contemporary criticism, and reference resources. LION includes full-text scholarly journals covering all aspects of literary studies alongside literary index, the Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL).