When looking for academic journal articles you can use the 'everything' search in Library Search or search directly in the databases below, which we’ve selected as being most relevant to your subject area.
Databases are the best place to find academic journal articles as they offer advanced search tools, metric data, and export options for referencing. These databases also often provide access to information types such as conference papers, book chapters, review articles, trade magazines, and more. BrowZine can also be used to explore e-journal titles in your subject.
While most of our collection is now available digitally, some titles may only be accessible in print. You can find these journal titles using an ‘everything except articles’ search in Library Search.
You’ll also find links to essential reading for your programme in your module reading lists on Canvas.
Databases will either provide you with the full text of the journal or they will give you the bibliographic details of an article. Where full text is not available, look for the link and follow this to see if we have the full text available via Library Search.
Subject databases are tailored to particular subject areas. They tend to use precise terminology relating to the subject area, making searches more accurate, and can include subject specific tools and features.
This collection traces the emergence and dissemination of scientific ideas during the "long" nineteenth century that preceded 1800 and extended to 1925. Covering science, social sciences, medicine and technology, journals and monographs allow you to track key debates and explore major episodes in the history of science.
Other useful Databases if the subject is related to Education
Much like Library Search, multidisciplinary databases cover a wide range of topics and are a great place to scope your search, or to use if your topic covers more than one subject area.
Databases Help
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