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Market Research

Your guide to researching markets, consumers and trends


What type of information will I find in Mintel?

Mintel provides consumer market research reports covering different topics or sectors of the UK market. You’ll find market research data that analysts at Mintel have collated including trends, statistics, information on brands and companies, demographic data on a range of sectors.

Which countries does Mintel cover?

Mintel covers UK only. For international marketing data, you’ll need to access another information resource we have called Passport which is provide by a company called Euromonitor.

What does our Mintel subscription at Newcastle cover?

We do not subscribe to all the reports on Mintel, currently we have access to:

  •          Automotive
  •          Beauty and personal care
  •          Clothing and footwear
  •          Drink
  •          Food
  •          Health and Wellbeing
  •          Home retailing
  •          Household care
  •          Media
  •          Retail
  •          Technology

Library Horizons contains issues associated with marketing such as green lifestyles, Christmas shopping, consumers and the economic outlook. We also have some one off reports which we’ve purchased e.g. European Retail Handbook. So we currently have access to around 200 reports.

Other useful features available from Mintel include:

  • Webinars and insights by analysts
  • News ; current headlines with companies, management appointments and campaigns.
  • Quarterly update; providing information on the economy and how it shapes consumer spending habits. Good for the context of the macro environment.
  • Lots of interviews with analysts featuring up to date trends and topics on Mintel's YouTube channel
  • Additional training videos from Mintel on Mintel Report and the Mintel Interactive Databook