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Desert Island Discs 2.0 - Jane Riley

by Amanda Bursk on 2023-08-23T14:42:20+01:00 | 1 Comment

We asked for your must have music (and more) to accompany you to the Library's Desert Island. Jane Riley (Library Assistant, PRL) has just made her getaway....

1.   Pick 3 or more pieces of music that are special to you:

World Where You Live — Neil Finn website

World Where You Live by Crowded House – my favourite song by my favourite band, for me this is about the power of your imagination, to lift you out of any situation

I Gotta Feeling - Wikipedia

- I Gotta Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas – reminds me of a night out in a pub in Dublin, an amateur band played this, and everyone in the pub, of all ages, sang alone

Boys Don't Cry (The Cure album) - Wikipedia

Boys Don’t Cry by the Cure – when I hear this, I can picture my teenage bedroom

2.   What band/singer would you like to perform for you on the island? 

The Barenaked Ladies, I’ve seen them live once and they are really good singers and musicians

3.   What book would you like to take with you? You will already find the Complete Works of Shakespeare and a copy of the Bible or your choice of sacred text waiting for you on the island.

Moorcock - The Ice Schooner - Sphere Science Fiction PB (1975) - Picture 1 of 2

 The Ice Schooner by Michael Moorcock, he’s my favourite author, and it’s difficult to pick just one book

4.   What podcast and/or radio station would you like access to? 

I’m not really a podcast person, but I’ve listened to a couple of David Tennant’s podcasts, so I could catch up with the rest of those

5.   What TV show and/or film would you like to watch? 

Dempsey and Makepeace (TV Series 1985–1986) - IMDb

Dempsey and Makepeace, I loved it when I was a teenager, and I’m a sucker for a will they/ won’t they romance

6.   Pick a luxury item for your stay! 

  A knife (to help build a shelter, etc)

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Karina Forrest 2023-08-24T09:24:02+01:00

Excellent practical answer for your luxury item Jane - and I LOVED Dempsey and Makepeace too.  



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