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Desert Island Discs 2.0 - Sam Ryan

by Amanda Bursk on 2023-09-20T15:28:12+01:00 | 1 Comment

We asked for your must have music (and more) to accompany you to the Library's Desert Island. Sam Ryan (Library Assistant, PRL) is the next person to be castaway...

1.  Pick 3 or more pieces of music that are special to you:

- The Band - The Band

Fiona Apple: Fetch the Bolt Cutters Album Review | Pitchfork

- Fetch the Bolt Cutters - Fiona Apple

Moanin' in the Moonlight - Wikipedia

- Moanin’ in the Moonlight - Howlin’ Wolf

2.  What band/singer would you like to perform for you on the island? 

Jimi Hendrix - IMDb

Jimi Hendrix

3.  What book would you like to take with you? You will already find the Complete Works of Shakespeare and a copy of the Bible or your choice of sacred text waiting for you on the island 

483 Days: An Extraordinary True Story of Survival At Sea by Jonathan Franklin (a survival book seems appropriate under the circumstances)

4.  What TV show and/or film would you like to watch?

Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) - IMDb

Once Upon a Time in the West

5.  Pick a luxury item for your stay! 

A Wilson basketball. Failing that a good pillow- especially since I always sleep on my side


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Karina Forrest 2023-09-20T15:43:53+01:00

Every Christmas it is guaranteed that we have a family "discussion" about who has seen the best band or artist live.  My Auntie saw Jimi Hendrix in Belfast when she was a student in the 60s, I am pretty jealous of that one



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