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Desert Island Discs 2.0 - Lydia Nelson

by Amanda Bursk on 2023-08-09T15:41:13+01:00 | 0 Comments

We asked for your must have music (and more) to accompany you to the Library's Desert Island. Lydia Nelson (Library Assistant at PRL) has just landed on the island and has chosen the following...

1.      Pick 3 or more pieces of music that are special to you:

Bill Withers – Lovely Day (1978, Vinyl) - Discogs

- Lovely Day by Bill Withers – we always play this in the car, when we’re heading off on holiday, so it brings back lots of happy memories.

BBC Two - Victoria Wood: The Secret List - Ballad of Barry & Freda (Let's  Do It) Lyrics

- The Ballad of Freda and Barry by Victoria Wood – might seem an odd choice, but I love everything that Victoria Wood ever did and I think the lyrics are comedy gold.


- Every Time We Say Goodbye by Ella Fitzgerald – I love Ella’s voice, and this was my Grandad’s favourite song by her, so it reminds me of him.

2.      What band/singer would you like to perform for you on the island?

Adele announces long-awaited return with comeback single, Easy on Me | Adele  | The Guardian

Just realised that all the songs I’ve chosen are by artists who are dead, so, assuming you can’t raise people from the grave, I’ll have Adele please, because she’s brilliant live.

3.      What book would you like to take with you? You will already find the Complete Works of Shakespeare and a copy of the Bible or your choice of sacred text waiting for you on the island.

The Testaments By Margaret Atwood

I’ll take The Testaments by Margaret Atwood, because, although I love The Handmaid’s Tale, I think this was marginally better…unless you want to be kind and give me both.

4.      What podcast and/or radio station would you like access to?

Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster - Wikipedia

Off Menu, with Ed Gamble and James Acaster. Will probably make me hungry but will also keep me laughing.

5.      What TV show and/or film would you like to watch?

BBC One - The Royle Family

Anything by Victoria Wood, or The Royle Family, by Caroline Aherne and Craig Cash, because it never stops being funny to me.

6.      Pick a luxury item for your stay!

Mascara…there’s no need to let standards slip just because no one can see me. Unless there’s an option for a never-ending supply of wine, in which case, I’ll have that.


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