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A profile of Julia Bamber - Library Attendant (Walton Library)

by Amanda Bursk on 2024-09-18T15:19:51+01:00 | 1 Comment

Julia is a new attendant at the Waton Library and has answered the following questions for us as a little introduction:

1. Pick some pieces of music for your stay that are special to you:
- Fismoll - Nos
- Sheryl Crow - Everyday is a winding road
- A Lick of Paint - Frightened Rabbit
- Bring Me the Horizon - Hospital for Souls

2. Which book(s) would you like to take with you?You will already find the Complete Works of Shakespeare and a copy of the Bible or your choice of sacred text waiting for you on the island.
- Ken Liu - A Paper Menagerie
- Ken Liu - Invisible Planets
- The complete set of the Roman Mysteries series by Caroline Lawrence
- The Book of Dust series by Philip Pullman

3. What band/singer from the past or present would you like to perform for you on the island?:

Bring Me the Horizon

4. What podcast and/or radio station would you like access to?:
Radio: BBC Worldservice and BBC Radio 4, and the podcasts of The Inquiry, In our Time, You're Dead to Me, and Let's Fight a Boss

5. What TV show and/or film would you like to watch?:
Hunter X Hunter 2011 edition

6. Pick a luxury item for your stay!:
A golden engraved cooler fridge box containing dumplings from every country in the world

If there is anything else you would like to share with the team about yourself, please do so :)
I'm a massive fan of board games; my favourite board games are Santorini, Glory to Rome and Oceans.

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Karina Forrest 2024-09-18T16:04:16+01:00

Welcome Julia - I absolutely love "You're Dead to Me" too, a brilliant podcast and highly recommended.



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