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Welcome Host online

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Welcome Host introduces all new library staff to the importance Newcastle University Library places on excellent customer care.  This online course introduces key elements of the content for you to work through in your own time.  It will be followed up by a half day face to face session where we can all share best practice and experience. The online material can also act as a refresher for all staff.  You should have a Welcome Host Participants Guide book to accompany this online course, get in touch if this needs sending to you. If you have any queries about using this online guide, please do email the course facilitator or send us a message in the Welcome Host Team.

Learning outcomes for this course

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Identify the key characteristics of our sector
  • Explain the importance of customer service in our role
  • Identify the key elements of excellent customer service
  • Describe the expectations of Library customers
  • Create a favourable impression
  • Communicate successfully with customers (face-to-face, on the telephone and in writing)
  • Provide information and advice to customers
  • Identify and meet specific and additional needs
  • Effectively manage difficult situations
  • Use your customer service skills to support the overall service

How to work through this online course

This online course is divided into 10 sections and follows the structure of the participant book and Welcome Host training package. Scroll back to the top of this page and the links to each section are in the left hand column.
In each section, you will find a range of text, video and PowerPoint slide resources that will provide you with information and advice on the given topic. You will also be asked to complete some activities as you go along.  These will include:

Completing tasks in your Welcome Host Participants Guide book.

Watching a video.

Sharing ideas and comments in our Welcome Host Team.

Taking part in a quiz.

Doing a puzzle.

Exploring further links or reading. 

We would like you to participate as much as possible with the activities in order to get the best out of this course.  When commenting or giving us feedback you don't have to give us your name, however if you would like a response then please do leave your name and we'll get back to you.

Meet Your Welcome Host facilitators   

Carol Bevan 

Assistant Librarian

Walton Library

Julie Brett

Assistant Librarian

Customer Services

Louise Cowan

Assistant Librarian (Liaison)

Philip Robinson Library

Bogdan Metes

Senior Library Assistant

Walton Library