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Customer needs and expectations change over time, as does the service provided by other academic libraries, our competitors. The concept of first class service doesn’t stand still! How do we ensure that we maintain customer service excellence?

Continuing Service Excellence

It is very important that we all work together to continually enhance the quality of our service.

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Always think about how we can improve the service we offer and then work with colleagues to provide service excellence consistently.

Do you have an idea about how we can improve our customer service or maintain our excellence? You can talk about your ideas to colleagues and managers or use the Staff Comments & Suggestions form.

Remember when we talked about the impact the dissatisfaction of one customer can have? Well of course the reverse is true. One person who goes out of the Library impressed by our staff might influence their friends and family to attend Newcastle University. Good news can spread just as fast!


Take some time now to reflect on everything you have been learning about; complete the exercise on page 46 of your participant guide.

Further Learning

If you would like to explore some of the themes from this course further there is an Online Customer Care course available via the Newcastle University Learning Management System.  As usual, do complete the Library Booking Process online form to check with your line manager before starting any online training.

Visit the Organisational Development Learning Management System and log in to find appropriate modules. Search for the word 'customer' and then click to access the Customer Service module. 

You can work though the different elements whenever you have some time.  There are questions and quizzes throughout the material to help you test your learning.