“Speaking with a Geordie accent can be a fun way to impress your friends and mix up your repertoire of accents…”
– Wikihow
The English to Geordie Translator
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Translate your English to Geordie (& vice versa!)
Aad: Old - from the Anglo-Saxon word 'Eald'
Aakward: Awkward
Aall: All
Agyen: Again
Ahint: Behind
Alang: Along
Ald: Variation of Aad
Ald Nick: The Devil
Alreet: Alright
Amang: Among (of Anglo-Saxon origin)
Aw: I - me as in 'Aw went te Blaydon races'
Axe: Ask (of Anglo-Saxon origin)
Aye: Yes
Baccy: Tobacco
Bairn: A child (of Anglo-Saxon & Viking origin)
Bait: Food taken to work
Bank: A hill
Barney: Barnard Castle
Beck: Used only in south Durham, Yorkshire and Cumbria. A Viking word for a stream.
Beor: Beer
Beuk: A book
Bishop: Bishop Auckland
Blaa: Blow
Blaa Oot: Heavy drinking session
Black and White: A Newcastle United football club supporter (See also Toon Army)
Blaydon Races: National Anthem of Tyneside
Boggle: A ghost or spectre.
Bonny: Beautiful - from the French Bon
Bord: Bird
Boro/The Boro: Middesbrough Football Club or Middlesbrough itself. Note Middlesbrough is not spelt Middlesborough
Borst: Burst
Bourn: A stream (Burn) actually an Anglo-Saxon word but now most commonly associated with Scotland. Used in Northumberland & the northern part of County Durham
Breeks: Breeches (Trousers)
Broon: Brown or Newcastle Brown Ale
Bullet: A sweet (of French origin)
Burn: See Bourn
Burr: The name given to the strange Northumbrian pronunciation of the R sound
But: A kind of spoken full stop or 'period. Sentences are often ended with the word 'but'. For example, when describing someone a Geordie may say "she's a canny lass but" This means that she is a nice girl. It doesn't imply that there is some unspoken flaw in her character.
Buzeems: Brooms
Byeuts: Boots
Caa': Call
Cam: Came
Canny: A Versatile word. Canny old soul - a nice old person. Canny good Canny hard - very good or very tough. Canny job - a good job. Possibly a variation on the Scots word Ken meaning to know.
Card: Cold
Chare: A narrow alley in Newcastle
Chorch: Church
Claes: Clothes - Anglo-Saxon
Clag: Stick
Clarts: Dirt or mud
Clarty: Dirty
Clivvor: Clever
Cloot: A cloth eg a dish cloot, or to clout.
Coo: A cow
Craa: Crow
Crack: To talk from Durtch Kraaken
Cracket: A wooden stool
Croggy: To give a passenger a ride on the crossbar or back of a bicylce
Croon: Crown
Cuddy: A small horse or St. Cuthbert
Cushat: A pigeon
Da: Dad/father
Darlo: Darlington
Dede: Dead
Dee: Do
Deed: Dead
Deil: The devil
Divvent: Do not - 'ie Divvent dee that'
Dodd: A fox
Dog: A 'Bottle of Dog' is Newcastle Brown Ale
Doggie: A nickname for the village of West Cornforth in County Durham
Dorham: Durham - In Dorham' often means in prison - Durham Jail.
Doon: Down
Droon: Drown
Dunsh: Thump or bump
Dyke: A ditch (Anglo-Saxon)
Eee: Eye
Faa: To fall, also the name of a Gypsy clan (Faw)
Fash: Trouble/d
Fettle: Good condition
Force: Waterfall in Teesdale
Fower: Four
Gaumless: Stupid or useless
Gadgie: An old man
Gallusses: Braces
Gan: Go (of Anglo Saxon word origin)
Gannin: Going - 'Gannin alang the Scotswood Road to see the Blaydon Races'
Ganzie: A jumper/sweater
Gate: Usually means way or street such as Gallowgate. Gan yer ain gate means go your own way.
Geet – great, large. Geet walla - very big
Geordie: A native of Tyneside
Gill: A ravine
Give: Given
Giveower: Give over (ie Please stop doing that)
Gowk: A fool
Granda: Grandfather
Haad: Hold
Hadaway: Get away. As in 'you're having me on' (it is thought to be a naval term)
Haipeth: Half Penny
Hakky: Filthy as in “Hakky Dorty”
Hanky: Handkerchief
Haugh: Pronounced Hoff or Harf - a meadow land eg Derwenthaugh
Heugh: A promontory such as that at Hartlepool or Tynemouth.
Hinny: Honey - a term of endearment.
Hoos: House
Hope: A side valley in the dales of Northumberland and Durham for example Hedleyhope
Hoppings: A fair. From the Anglo-Saxon word 'Hoppen' meaning fair. The Toon Moor Hoppings are held in Newcastle.
Howay: Come on - 'Howay' or 'H'way the Lads' is chanted at football matches.
Hoy: Throw
Hunkers: Sitting on haunches/Honkers
Hyem: Home (of Scandinavian origin)
I Says: I Said
Ivvor: Ever
Jarra: Jarrow
Joon: June
Keek: To peep
Keel: A boat.
Ket: A sweet or something that is nice
Kidda: A term of endearment.
Knaa: Know
Laa: Low or hill
Lads: Blokes
Laik: To play
Lang: Long (Anglo Saxon word)
Larn: Learn (another Anglo-Saxon word)
Lass: A woman or young girl, from a Scandinavian word Laskr
Law: A hill
Leazes: Pasture land belonging to a town
Ling: Heather
Linn: Waterfall in Weardale or Northumberland
Lonnen: A lane
Lop: A flea
Lough: Lakes in Northumberland are called Loughs, pronounced 'Loff'
Ma: Mother
Mac': Make
Mac' N' Tac: A native of County Durham or Sunderland. See 'Mackem'
Mackem: A native of Sunderland. Probably referring to shipbuilders - 'We mackem, ye tackem'
Mags: A Newcastle united fan
Magpies: Nickname for Newcastle United Football Club, who play in black and white.
Mair: More
Man: Frequently used at the end of a sentence for example: 'Divvent dee that man' (even when talking to a woman)
Marra: A friend or workmate particularly in the collieries
Mazer: An eccentric
Mebbees: May be or Perhaps
Midden: Dung heap
Missus: 'The Missus' = the wife
Nah: No
Neenth: Ninth
Nee: No - as in 'Nee good luck' (but not used as a word on its own)
Neet: Night
Neuk: Nook
Nigh: Near
No Place: A village in County Durham
Nyem: Name
Oot: Out (of Anglo-Saxon origin)
Ower: Over
Pet: A term of endearment
Peth: A road up a hill
Pitmatic: The dialect of coal miners in the North East
Pity Me: A village in County Durham
Ploat: To pluck feathers
Poliss: Policeman
Raa: Row
Red and White: A Sunderland football club supporter
Reet: Right
Sackless: Stupid or hopeless
Sand Shoes: Gym Shoes
Sang: A song
Sark: A shirt
Scrunchin's - the small waste bits of batter skimmed off at the fish shop (also known as 'scraps')
Segger: A nickname for the town of Sacriston.
Sel': Self
Shoot: Shout
Shuggy - to swing
Shuggyboat - a playground/fairground apparatus for two or more persons, swinging back and forth
Singing Hinnie: A kind of cake
Skinchies – crossing your fingers to be safe when playing a game: “I'm not out I've got skinchies”
Slake: Mud flat
Snaa: Snow
Sneck: The latch on a door
Sooth: South
Sparra: A sparrow. See also 'spuggy'
Spelk: A splinter
Spuggy: A sparrow
Staithes: A pier for loading coal onto ships
Stane: Stone
Stob: A stump or post
Stottie: A kind of flat cake-like bread
Stowed off – fed up or crowded
Strang: Strong
Tab: A cigarette
Tak': Take
Tatie: Potato
Te': To
Telt: Told
Teem: Pour
Thowt: Thought.
Tice: Entice, tempt
Toon: Town
Toon Army: Newcastle United football fans
Tret: Treated
Tyeuk: Took
Tyke: A Yorkshireman
Us: Me
Vennel: A narrow ally in Durham
Wag: 'Playing the wag' is playing truant
Wark: Work
Wes: Was
Wey: As in 'Wey-Aye'
Whe?: Who?
Whisht!: Be quiet
Why-Aye: Why of course
Wi' : With
Wife: A woman, whether married or not. Wife was used in this sense by the Anglo-Saxons
Wiv: With
Wor: 'Wor Lass' means 'our missus', when a chap is referring to his wife. 'Wor' is the Anglo-Saxon word 'oor' meaning 'Our' the w has crept into speech naturally.
Worky ticket - an annoying person.
Worm: A dragon - such as the Lambton Worm or Sockburn Worm.
Wot Cheor: Hello - a greeting
Wrang: Incorrect, Wrong
Wynd: A narrow street
Ye: You or your
Yem: Home
Yen: One
Yersel': Yourself