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Customer feedback methods and tools

An introduction to conducting different methods of feedback, including types of feedback, pro's and cons of each method and what to do/who to contact.
How to use the information in this guide

This guide offers information on different methods of gathering user feedback and when to use them. It offers insight into how they have been adopted and reflections on success. 

If you are looking to gather feedback, to begin with...

1. Think about the purpose of gathering the feedback. Is it to evaluate the impact of a particular promotional campaign or do you want to find out what users think about a resource or service in general? 

2. Look through the information we've put together about the types of feedback methods and tools. The method/tool you use should link back to what you want to find out. 

3. Ask yourself is the method suitable? If not, is there another method you could use? 

4. If you're happy that the method/tool you've chosen matches your needs go ahead and use it. 

5. Once you've completed your exercise, take time to reflect on how it went and what you might have done differently.