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Customer feedback methods and tools

An introduction to conducting different methods of feedback, including types of feedback, pro's and cons of each method and what to do/who to contact.
Focus Groups


Focus Groups are an informal assembly of users whose opinions are requested about a specific topic. The goal is to elicit perceptions, feelings, attitudes and ideas of participants about the topic.


Pros and cons of Focus Groups



  • Way of gathering detailed information and views about a product or service
  • Useful for obtaining range of opinions rather than strength of opinions


  • May not have a very high uptake as customers need to devote time
  • May have problems recruiting for group - use incentives
  • Results should not be generalized or 'projected' to a larger group
  • Risk participants might influence each other or inhibit others from sharing honest thoughts or feedback
Campaigns/promotions where Focus Groups were used


Loan policy changes consultation 

ASK (Academic Skills Kit) development

Walton UX project