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Customer feedback methods and tools

An introduction to conducting different methods of feedback, including types of feedback, pro's and cons of each method and what to do/who to contact.
What people say versus what people do

What you want to find out will determine the method and tool you choose.

Attitudinal user research methods reveal user attitudes and opinions, how they feel about a product or service. Examples are:

  • Focus groups
  • User interviews
  • Graffiti Walls
  • Diary studies
  • Surveys
  • Love/break up letters
  • Photo studies

Behavioural user research methods tell us how users actually behave, how they interact with and use the service. Examples are:

  • Customer journey mapping
  • Usability testing
  • Contextual inquiry
  • Observation/behaviour mapping
  • Cognitive mapping
  • Touchstone tours

For example, if you're looking for feedback on library space, observation/behaviour mapping would be an ideal starting point as it will give you information on how people are actually using the space. If you want feedback on a workshop you've run, a quick exit interview might be all you need.


User research methods


Click image to download User eXperience research in Libraries