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Subject support guide

Library Search My Account

Customer feedback methods and tools

An introduction to conducting different methods of feedback, including types of feedback, pro's and cons of each method and what to do/who to contact.
Card sorting


Card sorting is a technique that involves asking users to organise and sort information into groups they think are appropriate, and then asking them to explain why they chose this grouping. It's useful for discovering how people understand and categorise information, which in turn helps to better structure products and websites.

Pros and cons of Card sorting



  • It's a simple, easy and cheap technique 
  • It's fast - you can run this exercise quickly and as many times as needed
  • It requires little explaining 
  • It provides some insight into how users understand data


  • It is variable - you may sometimes get clear and consistent results, other times it could be too varied to be useful. 
  • It can take time to analyse the data if a lot of card sorts have been run, or if the data is complex
  • It may not provide deep enough results if users can't place the data in context
Campaigns/promotions where Card sorting has been used


University Library website upgrade project 2020