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Libhelp, Chat and Ref Analytics stats - Bogdan Metes

by Sam Booth on 2019-03-27T13:54:10+00:00 | 0 Comments

Libhelp, Chat and Ref Analytics stats

24 Sep – 14 Dec 2018


It has been a very fruitful year in terms of online enquiries and it makes me very glad to share the statistics we collected with you - because every person in CS has contributed to this.


10% more Library Help tickets have been answered compared to the same period in 2017, with a total of 1575.

Every day of the week has become considerably busier but weekends have seen a laudable increase in answered tickets, Saturdays with a 45% increase and Sundays with 25%.

More interestingly, the Highest Number of Tickets has been answered byyyyyy:

…hang on, this might take some time:

  • For September, Janice Crozier with 66 tickets;
  • October – David Gardner – 53;
  • November – Jane Riley – 50;
  • December – David Gardner – 49;

With this in mind, can you guess who has answered the most tickets during the entirety of the 1st academic term?

Trumpets, drrrruuuuuums, applause: It was Jane Riley with 126 tickets altogether. In addition, the person answering the most tickets during the Christmas vacation was Colin Ferguson.


Library Chat – what a fascinating piece of software. As a service, we have spent a total of 7 days 9 hours 40 minutes 55 seconds to answer 1211 chats. Only 11 chats (≈0.9%) were missed in this period.

Having answered 124 chats by herself, Jane Riley has spent more than 14 hours helping our customers with their queries.

What is more, our customer wait time has decreased from 40 to 9 seconds in a year. It is a tribute to all of you, doing a much better job than Bruce in the following video especially since 93% of the chats that are rated are excellent and good:

Ref Analytics

On a rather surprising note, it seems that our face-to-face queries have decreased considerably. Comparing the First terms of the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 academic years, our recorded queries on Ref Analytics across all sites and service points have decreased from 12895 to 6351. Similarly, at the PRL service desk, our recorded face-to-face questions have decreased from 5057 to 2347.

I am intrigued, but I would like to see how the numbers change in the future, whether there will be a noticeable shift towards online enquiries or whether we all need to be a little bit more diligent towards recording the questions we answer.



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