A reading list is an integral part of the student experience at University. The University Library's Reading Lists service allows the Library to work with academics in providing this information to the students in a consistent way, through their VLE (e.g. Canvas) where they will be accessing their teaching materials, and ensuring the Library can offer access to the required resources.
This Guide will provide you with step-by-step instruction on how the Reading List system works and how, as academics, you can use this service to support your students.
The University Library's Reading Lists service contains essential, recommended and background reading for modules taught within Newcastle University. It is routinely promoted to the students throughout induction and via their VLE.
So what are the benefits of using this Reading Lists service?
Use the navigation menu to the left to work through the different steps you will need to take in order to create, manage, edit and finalise your reading lists, making them available to your students.
If you need help at any point then contact the Library's Reading Lists team for assistance: readinglists@ncl.ac.uk
When it comes to making your list available to students there are two options:
Option 1 – Input your own list on the online Reading Lists system
Option 2 – Send your list to the library for inputting
Alternatively, you may wish to produce your reading list in a Microsoft Word document, or module handbook, and submit this to our dedicated Library Reading List team to create your online version.
On your reading list please include: