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Reading Lists: a step-by-step guide for Academic Staff

The Reading Lists  - Create service banner showing an owl.

Most modules will already have a reading list attached to them, especially if you have previously sent us copies of your lists or module guide.

You have options available to you when it comes to creating your Reading List:

Option 1 - Input your own list using the Reading Lists system (and see below for guidance on this), or:

Option 2 - Send your list to the Library's Reading Lists team for input.

Creating your Reading List

If you access your module and there is no reading list attached, you will get an option to create a list. You also have the option of sending your list in a document to the Library's Reading Lists Team via the online form here.

An image detailing how to create a new reading list from scratch.

If you want to create your reading list yourself, then click on the CREATE IT button.

Give your list a title (we would recommend the Module title).

An image detailing how to Create a new list in the Reading Lists system.


Click on Create.

You will then see three template options; Blank, Categories (e.g. pre-populated 'Essential', 'Recommended' and 'Background' headings) or Weekly Readings (e.g. pre-populated Week One, Week Two, etc. headings).

An image showing suggested templates for use with the Reading Lists system.

Choose whichever one you think is appropriate for the layout of your list.

You will then see an empty reading list ready to populate with your items.

Associating your list

When creating a new list you will be asked to associate it with a module. This is an important step as it allows the VLE to link to the list from within the Reading Lists system.

Click Associate List and view a list of your matching modules.


An image showing how to associate a new list with a module in the Reading Lists system.



An image showing how to associating a list with a module.


Choose the module and then click Associate.

You can remove the module association, or associate your list with a different module, by clicking the list options icon [⋯] in the top left corner, then clicking Module association option. These options can also be accessed from the My Lists page. 

Note: You cannot associate a list with more than one module. If you wish to have the same list on two different modules you will need to create a copy of the list.

Structure your list

If you have chosen the blank template without any categories, the first thing you will need to do is structure your list by adding Sections.

Section titles could include:

Time periods - Semester 1; Week 1; Autumn Term.
Topics - Research Skills; Essay Readings; 1920s Art.
Resource Types - Books; Key Journals; Useful Websites, etc.

  • Click on New Section.

Creating a new section in the Reading Lists system

  • Give your section a title, and perhaps a description.

Naming and creating a new section in the Reading Lists system

  • Click on Create and repeat as required.

Once created you can move the sections into whatever order you need by moving the cursor to the end of the section heading until the blue 'Drag Section' wording appears, then click and drag until it is in the required position on the list.

Image of a meadow with the words 'The wise choice' showing