To add a print or eBook directly to your list from Library Search using the 'Everything except articles' search:
To add another type of material, such as a journal article, directly to your list using Library Search and the 'Everything' search:
To add a book chapter to your list using Library Search:
You can quickly build up a list of items and save them in 'My Bag'. You can then drag and drop an item from 'My Bag' onto your reading list.
Please note: 'My Bag' is a temporary location which will disappear when you log out of the Reading Lists service
'My Bag' is a tool that can also be used to reorder the items on your list. Click on the three dots within the item and select 'Bag It' or 'Unbag It' to copy and paste between your bag and your list.
You can build up a list of items and save them in 'My Collection'. You can then drag and drop the item onto your reading list. This is useful if you want to permanently save a list of your favourite items and then re-use them on multiple reading lists.
Copying to 'My Collection':
Copying from 'My Collection':
PLEASE NOTE: If saving a book chapter or journal article scan in My Collection that has been requested via the Scanning and CLA digitisation service, please check the URL has been copied across. There have been occasions where this link has been lost in transit. This can also occur if using the Copy citation option. If you encounter any issues, please email the Reading Lists team for assistance.