If you manage your own lists online you can easily add and edit items on your Reading Lists. Please do remember to tag your items as essential, recommended or background reading, to send your list to the Library for completion and to publish your list to make it accessible to your students.
After you have created and edited your list, please make sure you send it to the Library. This means that the Library can check your list and take any appropriate action: order items, create CLA scans or move books to the Short Loan Collection.
To do this, click the 'My list is ready' button near the top of your list, and then click on SEND.
If you have created a new list, then you will need to publish this:
If there are issues with any items on the reading list, then the University Library's Reading Lists team will make the appropriate edits to items.
To publish a reading list:
You can view the list as your students will see it.
Click on the Reading list options menu:
Then select 'View list as a student'.
When you are finished, click on the cross on 'Back to instructor view' at the top of the screen to return to your normal view.