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Law Library Training

A guide for training new staff and Student Aides in the Law Library, and a refresher for old!

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User Experience (UX)

At various times of the year we record enhanced data on where and how people are using the library.  This come under the heading of "User Experience" or "UX" for short. 

These records are taken alongside the basic headcount data and give a greater context on how the library is being used. As with headcounts, UX data will be taken at the following times: 

  • Monday-Friday 9.30am11.30am1.30pm3.30pm, 5.15pm, 6.15pm, 7.15pm.
  • Saturday-Sunday at 15 minutes past the hour

While headcount data provides an overview of how many seats are occupied in each room, UX data goes into much greater detail.  The occupancy of each seat is recorded, as is a summary of how the space is being used.  This enables us to monitor exactly which seats are popular and how the library is used.  This feeds into future decisions about study space layout and what sort of facilities we provide. 

UX Data recording - Student aides and staff

UX recording can be done at the same time as the regular headcounts and recorded on a pair of  printed maps, one for the East Wing, and one for the West Wing.  These simplified maps of the Law Library include every study space and allow the usage to be recorded.  The maps while be on the counter in the office, in the UX folder or can be printed from Teams (staff only).  

Please remember while recording the data that students' have an expectation of some privacy and we do not wish to pry more than necessary.  A casual glance from across the room should be adequate.  

Data is recorded using a series of specific two-letter codes.  These allow the data to be processed and extracted in a uniform way across the library sites. 

More than one code can be used, so if someone is using talking while using a laptop the code entered can be "LT TK".  The order doesn't matter. 

Please also include any additional anecdotal information you may think of interest - this could be a desk being used for a staff consultation, presentation or if a space seems inadequate (for example a desk is too small). 

Recording headcount data - staff only

Once UX data is recorded on the maps it can be entered into the UX spreadsheet.  This spreadsheet collates all the data and allows it to be processed into usable forms, such as usage graphs and heatmaps. 

The spreadsheet is located in Teams.  

When inputting the data, data from each map is entered on to a single row, with the date and time it was recorded and with a column for each study space.  The two letter codes may be take from the map and entered into the relevant cell as before, "PC LT WB" etc. A study space with no occupant may be left blank. 

Once each occupied space is entered onto the row the data collection is complete and the spreadsheet may be saved and closed.