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Law Library Training

A guide for training new staff and Student Aides in the Law Library, and a refresher for old!

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Daily Jobs in the Law Library

Working in the Law Library can be varied. It can include customer services and academic liaison, stock management and health & safety, Library/University procedures and legal information awareness. It sometimes requires lone-working while being part of the wider Library service and Law Library team. Being based in the Law School building, you are also part of the collegiate environment.

Library users can be a diverse range students at all levels of study, academic staff, library staff, University staff, prospective students and visitors, legal professionals, researchers, and members of the public with an interest. While the Law Library is Smartcard access only during evenings and weekends, during weekdays anyone is welcome to use the space and resources. We treat everyone with the same level of respect and dignity.

Law Library Assistants will find the following information useful, although your daily jobs will also involve more varied work.

The below and following pages will be of most benefit to the Law Library Student Aides and those Library Assistants providing cover.

What's expected as a Law Library Student Aide?

As a Student Aide, your job in the Law Library will be varied. You are responsible for the Library environment while on duty. You have authority as a member of staff, and are expected to conduct yourself with professionalism, courtesy and respect.

You will be expected to:

  • Open/close the Law Library.
  • Complete headcounts.
  • Remind users of quiet/silent study (and respond to noise complaints).
  • Empty bookbins.
  • Shelve and shelf tidy.
  • Signpost users where to get library help.
  • Answer basic queries.
  • Hand over Short Loan Articles for self-service issue/return.
  • Communicate with Coordinators at the Philip Robinson Library.
  • Undertake any other tasks asked of you by Law Library Staff.

Start of Shift

Start of Shift:

  • Obtain Library Office key from Philip Robinson Library Reception Desk (see Opening and Closing section).
  • Sign in (using the Student Aides’ File) and put on Student Aide’s badge & lanyard (in front of Student Aides' File).
  • Sign into Library Chat (Instructions in Student Aides’ File) and inform PRL/MRLR staff that you are on duty.


Library Check:

  • Check the Library for unshelved materials (return these on the Issue Desk PC and shelve these); record any unshelved materials in the Student Aides’ File (signing-in sheets include shelving record sheet).
  • Check general appearance of library space; identify and report any safety/cleaning/Estate problems as soon as possible.
  • Request the flood barriers be deployed if heavy rain is forecast/occurring (contact Coordinator at Philip Robinson Library).
  • If a warm day, open windows throughout Library using keys from top drawer of Library Office filing cabinet (or be prepared to open the windows on request); all windows marked with a gold spot can be opened.

During Shift

During Shift:

  • Complete hourly headcounts.
  • Shelve any materials left in Library and returned from loan. Clear reshelving bay.
  • Shelf-tidy (i.e. next section indicated in Signing-in file unless another section is specified – minimum of 45 minutes unless Help Desk is particularly busy).
  • Please check means of escape are clear (nothing obstructing fire exits) when conducting headcounts.

Help Desk Queries:

  • Direct/help find books on shelves.
  • Help locate items on Library Search.
  • Refer readers to staff at Philip Robinson Library or ask they return when Law Library Staff are on duty (or leave a note with their contact details and details of the enquiry).
  • If you feel confident, you are welcome to help with any Westlaw/Lexis+ UK database search queries, but you can also refer readers to the Lexis Student Associate and Westlaw Student Representative.
  • Record any queries throughout your shift on RefAnalytics.


  • Empty bookbins used with Self Service kiosk regularly, and after each headcount:
    • Standard returns (yellow bin) should be returned on Alma, discharge stamped and reshelved.
    • Requested books/reservations (black bin) should be returned on Alma, discharge stamped, the reservations slips generated placed inside the books and the books placed in the relevant PRL or Walton Library box beneath the desk.
    • Short Loan returns (black or yellow bin) should be returned on Alma, discharge stamped and reshelved.
  • ALL books returned via the yellow or black book return slots must be returned on Alma.

Handing Over to Next Shift:

  • Pass on any relevant information to the person working the next shift.
  • Give keys, Student Aide’s badge and lanyard to the person working the next shift.

Preparing for Closure

Closing up:

  • Prepare for closure (see Opening and Closing section).
  • Tidy all chairs and ensure desk lamps are switched off (at the lamp itself, not the plug)
  • .Ensure everyone is out of the library
    • If people do not leave when it's time to close, please contact the Coordinator at the Philip Robinson Library.
  • Switch off all lights (both local switches and lastly the ones on the main panel - see Law Library Lights section).
  • Security will come across to lock the building.
  • Return the key to the Welcome Desk at the Philip Robinson Library.

Desk Signs

Not in the Office:

If you leave the desk for a 'comfort break' or to shelve/complete headcounts, please put one of the desk signs on the Help Desk.

Please use either sign, as appropriate:

  • 'The Law Library Staff are working elsewhere in the Library'.
  • 'The Law Library Staff are unavailable at the moment'.