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Law Library Training

A guide for training new staff and Student Aides in the Law Library, and a refresher for old!


What exactly is Study Well@NCL?

Allow us to quote directly from our Library website: “Study Well@NCL is a collaborative campaign formulated by NUIT, NUSU Welfare Equality Officer and the University Library. Study Well@NCL advocates a responsible approach to studying and encourages positive behaviours in study spaces because we know it can be stressful especially at certain times of the year.”

What does this mean for Library staff?

I’m glad you asked! Study Well@NCL means we’re going the extra mile to make the user’s experience even better during these peak times.

We’ll be keeping study space availability information updated regularly, to help users find the right space they need to get their work done. If no spaces are available (or immediately obvious to the user), Library staff will be on hand to help!

The PRL are allowing users up to 30 minutes away from their desks (it’s important to take regular breaks while studying – particularly to get fresh air and water). After 30 minutes, PCs automatically log out and belongings can be removed from desks during peak hours.

We’ll also be monitoring the Library’s noise alert service. If users are being disturbed in any Library space, they can text us and we’ll investigate the source of the issue.

We’re also working closely with the University Student Wellbeing Team and NUSU Student Welfare to help anyone struggling with exam-related stress.

Find out more about Study Well@NCL here:

Study Well - Wherever You Are

Study Well operates slightly differently at the Lawbrary. 

Law Library staff do hourly headcounts and, if it's particularly busy, staff can do more walk-throughs of the Law Library to check on noise levels and check for any sneaky eating.

If staff notice a student who is visibly upset, stressed or panicked, they are encouraged to reach out – check if they are okay, offer them a cup of tea, inform them that they can talk to Library staff, the School Office staff, their personal tutor/any academic member of staff and Student Wellbeing too.

If staff feel uncomfortable dealing with a situation, they should ask for advice/assistance from the Senior Staff on duty via Library Chat.


Guidelines for each study area in the Lawbrary

Silent Study Area (including International Law, European Law, Foreign Law Reports) - no conversation

Collaborative Study Areas (Mooting Room, Old Postgraduate Room) - quiet group work

Grey PC Cluster (Reference Room) - work quietly - brief quiet conversation

Quiet Study Area (all other areas of the Law Library) - work quietly - brief quiet conversation

Covered drinks are allowed; all food and snacks should be taken to and consumed in the Law School Student Common Room or elsewhere, e.g., PRL cafe.


Noise Alert Service

The noise text alert service is also in operation at the Lawbrary. Staff may receive alerts redirected from the Library’s centralised team via:

  • The noise text alert service mobile phone – on the desk by the date stamps.
  • The office landline.
  • Library Chat - please remember to sign in!
  • Radio - less obvious as the speaker is silenced and not used as often.

Staff should check the mobile phone and Library Chat each time they come back into the office (e.g., following shelving, shelf tidying or a headcount) to ensure any alert received while they were away is responded to even if a significant period of time may have passed.

Law Library Staff should respond to a noise alert as soon as possible. A simple reminder to everyone to study quietly or take a break to eat food should do. If the noise persists then staff should feel free to ask the students to leave – take their details first as we will report the matter to their Personal Tutors to be followed up (if appropriate). If staff require support in doing this, they should contact the on-duty coordinator at PRL.


Recording comments/complaints

If a student makes a comment or complaint about noise or not being able to find space, please record this in RefAnalytics under:

  • Dataset: Customer Services
  • Question: Noise Alert (area) / space complaint (area) - add more detail if necessary
  • Topic: Library Environment
  • Type of Query: Comment/Complaint
  • How was it asked: Email/Face-to-Face/Social Media/Telephone (inc. noise alert service)
  • Where was it answered: Law
  • Who asked it: Student (?)

Removal of unattended belongings:

  • If you're alone, ask the CS supervisor who will arrange for someone to accompany you to remove the belongings.
  • Put the belongings in a clear plastic bag or white plastic box and staple the blue warning leaflet to the bag. Bring removed belongings to the service desk - you can use a trolley if you need to bring multiple items.
  • Please be careful when removing valuable equipment and treat belongings with respect. Do not place laptops or other electrical equipment in the same bag as drinks. If laptops are plugged in, move to one side.
  • Perishable goods should be put into a separate bag and kept until the end of the day then disposed of. This includes plastic Tupperware containers.

Recording removed belongings:

  • Using the removed belongings folder, record when the leaflets were dropped, when the belongings were removed and what has been taken away on the sheet in the folder, and give it a running number.
  • Write the number on the blue leaflet stapled to the bag.
  • Any library books should be brought to the service desk and checked in in case they are issued to the user’s record.

Picking up belongings:

  • Important: Make a note of the time the user has returned to pick up their belongings on the sheet in the folder.
  • Students need to sign the form once they have picked up their belongings.
  • If you have removed any perishable food items please check the next day to see that it has been collected or disposed of.

Help finding PC’s/Study spaces:

  • Everyone involved in sweeps should directly assist anyone who appears to need or asks directly for help in locating a space by walking round the floors with them and following the removal of unattended belongings procedure.

Noise alert phone:

  • The noise alert phone is monitored by the co-ordinator at the CS hub at PRL during service desk hours and by attendants at PRL reception at all other times. If a noise alert is received, the co-ordinator will reply confirming the location (if not already stated) and then an assistant will be sent to investigate. If the noise alert is not for PRL, the co-ordinator will contact the specific library building (Walton, MRLR) and their staff will investigate. All responses are recorded on a form (kept with the noise alert phone) at the CS Hub.

Recording comments/complaints:

If a student makes a comment or complaint about not being able to find space, or about having had their belongings removed whilst you are doing your sweeps, please record these on the sweep sheet when you record the time you have done your sweep.

If a student makes a comment or complaint when they come to pick up their belongings please record this in RefAnalytics under:

  • Data set: Service/Procedural
  • Topic: Library environment
  • In the Type more detail option add in the nature of the comment/complaint, e.g. "I was only away from my desk for 5 minutes!"
  • ​Type of enquiry: comment or complaint

Sweeps should be between these times 9 - 10AM, 11AM -12PM, 2 - 3PM and 4 - 5PM. 
Library attendants will do floor sweeps during the evenings at 7:15PM, 9:15PM,11:15PM and 7 - 8AM.

Team Times for Floor Patrols

Team AM PM
Customer Services Mondays Mondays
Liaison Tuesdays Tuesdays
Departmental Office Wednesdays  
DLS   Wednesdays
Special Collections Thursdays Thursdays
Technical Services Fridays Fridays

Have a quick chat with the CS co-ordinator in duty. They'll have checked the Study Space Availability (SSA) for the Library and will let you know what needs doing.

If SSA is GREEN/AMBER – you'll be asked to circuit L3 and L4 –  and there's no need to do a leaflet drop! Simply record any issues you come across on the floor sweeps sheet (there's an example copy of this underneath this box!)

If SSA is RED – the co-ordinator will direct you to an area to do a leaflet drop. This will be the area where there are the least amount of seats free. The co-ordinator will tell you where this is. They'll check the flip chart to see where other staff have been previously so that you don't end up going to the same place as someone else. Using the desk area layout plans (examples of these are under this box!) will show you the numbered desks in each area so you know where to check.

Please only drop a maximum of 20 leaflets in the area you're sweeping.

After 30 minutes, please take white leaflets to leave on desks if you've removed belongings and follow the "removal of unattended belongings" procedure as detailed in the "What To Do (PRL/MRLR/Walton)" tab.

Walton staff do four sweeps per day. They are at:

11:00 – 12:00

12:00 – 13:00

13:00 – 14:00

15:00 – 16:00

Everything you need for a floor sweep is contained in the Study Well folder (located in the tambour unit with the other manuals.)

Staff are generally timetabled to do the sweeps for an hour together with a headcount.

Following the usual headcount route, if any area looks busy with very few spaces available, place blue warning leaflets on any unattended desks with belongings writing down the time the leaflet was left.

While you're doing this, clear any rubbish, return chairs to their proper places and make sure there's no trailing wires across pathways.

Return to the staff area and update the Study Space Availability webpage.

30 minutes after placing any blue leaflets, follow the "removal of unattended belongings" procedure as detailed in the "What To Do (PRL/MRLR/Walton)" tab.

Walton Library staff who aren't timetabled for 'desk' or 'desk backup' sessions are responsible for monitoring the noise alert phone. It will be listed on the timetable when you're responsible for the noise alert phone. Please make sure you collect it from whoever had the phone previously and pass it along to whoever is due to have it next once your hour is up. If you're monitoring the noise alert phone in the evenings, remember to return the phone to its charging block (located next to the tannoy) at the end of your shift.

Similar to the Walton Library, sweeps are performed at MRLR during the following times: 9-10AM, 11AM-12PM, 2-3PM and 4-5PM. However, sweeps at the Marj continue in to the evening at the following times: 7:15PM, 9:15PM, and 11:15PM.
(Please check with your CS co-ordinator on duty before your sweep!)

First, check Study Space Availability to determine whether the building is busy:

If SSA is GREEN/AMBER – circuit the building to ensure all areas are clean and tidy. Make a note of any issues you come across and also any areas where there are free desks - jot this down on the sheet at the information desk.

If SSA is RED – take blue warning leaflets and leave on desks where belongings have been left, remembering to note the time the leaflet was left. After 30 minutes, clear belongings from desks and leave the yellow leaflet with the time this leaflet was left. You can check out full instructions on removing unattended belongings on the "What To Do (PRL/MRLR/Walton)" tab.

Removed belongings should be kept in the lockers in the attendants store and students must report to the information desk on the ground floor to retrieve their belongings.

Staff timetabled to be at the ground floor information desk are also in charge of the noise alert phone - please remember to keep it charged and the volume turned up!