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Law Library Training

A guide for training new staff and Student Aides in the Law Library, and a refresher for old!

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Law Library Lights

Most of the lights in the Law Library can be switched on using the light switch panel by the Self-Service unit (Switch 4). However, there are a few light switches that must be switched on that aren't on the main panel. These have been numbered and highlighted on the floorplan below.

Please switch on all the lights at the start of your shift (necessary if working a weekend or Bank Holiday).

Please switch off all the lights at the end of your shift when the Law Library is closing.

NB: The light switches on the large panel are colour-coded. Switch off all the black ones first, then the red (7, 8, 9) so you are not left standing in the dark for too long.

Law School & Library Entrance Lights

There are light switches leading from the Law School entrance to the Law Library entrance that need to be switched on/off. These lights are mostly to light up stairways for access and to help show we are open/closed.

These lights may already be on when you come in, but if they are not then please switch them on. However, if it is a sunny day/evening, please use your judgement for areas with large windows - lights may not always need to be on in these areas.

Similarly, lights may be switched off by Security or other Staff when you leave. If they are not, please switch them off.

A [LINKED]: Outside Law Library door, by entrance push pad.

This switch lights up area by door/under stairs.

A [LINKED]: Opposite 'Shhh' sign, by bookbin (two switches to the left in this picture). 

This lights up the area by door/under the stairs.


B [LINKED]:  Opposite 'Shhh' sign, by bookbin (to the right in this picture). 

This lights up the Library Foyer area.

C: Top of grey stairs (old staircase leading from Law Library door to near toilets).

This switch lights up the area at the op of the stairs.

D [LINKED]: Outside female/male/accessible toilet.

This lights up the area by the toilets.

D [LINKED]: Outside female/male/accessible toilet.

This lights up the area by the toilets.


Four switches opposite Law School Office, next to left and stairs.

These four light switches light up the following:

B [LINKED]: Law Library Foyer lights.

E: Student Common Area Foyer lights.

F [LINKED]: Law School Reception lights.

G: Outside Lecture Theatre lights.

F [LINKED]: Opposite Law School Reception.

This lights up the area by the Law School Reception.

H: Next to Law School outer door, next to push pad.

This lights up the area between the two sliding doors.