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Group Study Room(s)

The Old Postgraduate Room within the Law Library is a bookable group study room.

An image of the Old Postgraduate Room in the Law Library.

Information on bookable study rooms and spaces is available via Library Help:

Q. What kinds of study space does the library offer? 

Q. How do I book a group room or study space?

Q. How long can I book a study space for per day?

Q. What can I do if someone is sitting in a seat I have booked?

Q. How do I cancel my space booking?


An overview of bookings for this space is available on the Library Help Desk PC: see the LibCal: Manage Space tab which is bookmarked within Chrome.

Hover over a booking to see the user's details.

An image of the software used for room bookings. This is a calendar overview showing a month of bookings.


On occasion you may have someone approach you at the Library Help Desk stating that the room has been booked by them, but is occupied by someone else. You can confirm the booking with the student (they receive an email confirmation and check-in code, as shown below) and use the LibCal: Manage Space page to see the bookings that have been made. If the room is occupied by someone who has not booked (or has forgotten to check-in) then you can ask those in the room to please find another study space elsewhere. You can also contact the PRL Co-ordinator to ask them to check the booking and, if necessary, advise on how to deal with the situation.

How to book a Group Study Room

The room is booked via the Visiting the Library page and clicking on the Law Library's blue Book a group study room button.

To complete the reservation, select the Law Library as the location and click on Show Availability:

An image of a new reservation being placed on the bookable group study room located in the Law Library.


Availability is shown in green on the booking page. An appropriate date and time can then be selected:

An image of the availability of the group study room in the Law Library.


A successful booking results in an email being received with a check-in code:

An image of the email confirmation received when a student has made a group study room booking.

The booking is only confirmed once check-in has been completed. If check-in is missed, the room can become available for another user within 15 minutes. 

Other useful Library Help FAQs include:

Q. How can I adjust the length of my study space booking? 

Q. I haven't received my booking details - what can I do?