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Law Library Laptops

The Law Library currently has 15 laptops available for loan. (Laptops are numbered 26-40).

These laptops are for use in the Law Library and should be returned before the Library closes.

They are held in the lapsafe in the Consultation Space in the Office. You may need the key from the filing cabinet to open/lock the lapsafe.

Issue these laptops using Alma on the Library Help Desk PC and the power cable bag - not the laptop itself.

The laptop power cables are held beneath the Library Help Desk in a white box. These are also numbered 26-40.

The power cable bags are RFID-tagged. There is no slip to record a return date/time to accompany these; please just ask for them to be returned before the Library Help Desk closes.

NB  Alma will issue these headphones for 12 hours.

NB2  Please ask the reader to wipe the laptop and power-cable down on return, or please do it before returning them to the lapsafe and white box beneath the desk respectively.

To issue a laptop using Alma:

  1. Using Fulfilment and the Manage Patron Services function, scan the reader's Smartcard.
  2. Go to the filing cabinet and retrieve the key for the laptop loans safe (lapsafe).
  3. Go to the front of the lapsafe and unlock the doors (key can be awkward as it's slightly sprung).
  4. Unplug and remove a laptop which is not showing a red light.
  5. Close and secure the lapsafe doors.
  6. Retrieve the corresponding laptop power-cable from beneath the Library Help Desk (e.g. laptop no. 27, power cable no. 27).
  7. Use Alma and the RFID reader (the 'magic rectangle') to issue the power cable.
  8. Give to the reader and state the laptop is not to be removed from the Law Library, and both laptop and power cable should be returned to the Library Help Desk before the Library closes.
  9. To return a laptop, scan the power cable on the RFID reader (the 'magic rectangle') using Alma and the Return Items function. Return the laptop power-cable to the white box beneath the Library Help Desk, and the laptop to the lapsafe to the correct numbered slot (plug in to ensure recharge). Secure lapsafe when complete.