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British Law Reports

This quiet study space contains our British Law Reports. Before law reporting was regularised, barristers attended hearings and often published their own reports under their name. These are law reports dating from before 1865 and are collated together in a 176 volume collection called the English Reports. There are two index volumes at the end of this series to help you find the cases you require. These can also be referred to as Nominate Reports and these original volumes can be found in the Silent Study Area - pause point 15. 

This room also contains our collection of Northern Irish and Scottish Reports, as well as The Times Law Reports.

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Walk around the corner into the adjacent corridor and look for pause point Law 8 - English Law Reports

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Speech bubble with the words: Now it's your turn!While we're here, why not have a go at searching for an old English Report using the British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII): an online database with free access to British and Irish public legal information.

Go to BAILII and search for Entick v Carrington [1765] EWHC KB J98. You just need to type in 'Entick' and click on the first result. Click on 'Printable PDF Version' to see the original. 

This case from 1765 is a leading case in UK constitutional law, establishing the civil liberties of individuals and limiting the scope of executive power. It also influenced the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution.