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Newcastle Libraries - Self Guided Tours

Philip Robinson Library banner showing Book Trust Collection shelves and two students talking.

Short Loan

Short Loan is a collection of Library materials in heavy demand or defined as essential course reading. When a book or journal article is needed by many students, and we are unable to buy additional copies or e-versions, a copy is placed in the Short Loan collection. These items can only be borrowed for a short time so that as many students as possible can access the material they need for their studies.

You’re welcome to sit here in these comfortable chairs and read the chapter or article you need for your module, or you can borrow the item using the self-issue machine in the room.

You can borrow a maximum of three Short Loan items at a time. Books borrowed today have a due date of 4 pm, two days from now.

Be Well

Be well@NCL is a collection of tried and tested books available for borrowing by anyone in the University. The books aim to help readers manage their mental health and wellbeing and are based on the national Reading Well scheme. The collection is recommended by health professionals and includes titles from the University's Student Health and Wellbeing Service. Only books that have been tried and tested by health professionals are included.

The collection includes titles on healthy thinking, mindfulness, and common issues such as anxiety, depression, and sleep problems. There are books on body image, grief, caring for someone with mental illness, and more.

More information here -

You can see a full list of titles on the Be Well@NCL reading list.

Academic Skills Collection

The Academic Skills Collection provides resources to help develop key skills. It contains books covering subjects such as:

  • General Study Skills
  • Exam Skills
  • Research and Theses/Dissertations
  • Reading & Writing skills
Click and Collect

The quickest way to get the books you need is to visit our buildings and browse the shelves, but if you want to minimise your time at the Library, you can use our Click & Collect service to request items that are on the shelf at any Library. You can then collect them at a convenient time from the Philip Robinson Library or Walton Library.

Explore more

Speaking of essential course reading, have you discovered your module reading lists yet?

Your reading lists provide you with easy access to books, e-books, e-journals and anything else your module leader recommends. These online lists are clearly labelled so you can quickly make decisions about what you want to read.