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Newcastle Libraries - Self Guided Tours

Philip Robinson Library banner showing Book Trust Collection shelves and two students talking.

Library Search

Welcome to the Level 4 Bridge Computer cluster (you'll find one of these on Level 3 too). Alongside the cluster PCs you can find 4 PCs specifically for accessing Library Search and next to staircase D you may notice one of our smaller Library Search terminals on the wall. 

'But why would I use one of these Library Search terminals?' I hear you ask. Well, it will certainly quicken up the process of finding a library book on our shelves when you don't have the time to browse.

Library Search is our digital catalogue, which holds a record of the resources available across all of Newcastle University's Libraries. Essentially, it's an advanced search engine that will provide the location and access details for any of our 1.4 million items of physical or digital stock.

You can also access Library Search via the Library website and the University App.

While we're here, why not give Library Search a go!

Remember, you can enter a subject, book title, author, or combination of them all into the search bar.  

Try a search for your subject area or look for books on 'study skills'.  Select a book from the results list and see if you can spot:

  • Which Library is the book located in?
  • What Level will you find the book on?
  • What is the book's shelfmark?
  • Is the book available online?