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Newcastle Libraries - Self Guided Tours

Walton Library Banner

Welcome to this self-guided tour of the Walton Library.

During this tour, you'll have the opportunity to explore our range of study spaces, learn about key Library services, and discover ways in which the Library can help you during your time at University.

How it works

  1. You'll need a copy of our special tour map. You can use the digital version below, or print your own copy.
  2. On the map are several numbered pause points. Starting with number one, use the map to make your way around the Library, stopping at each point in turn.
  3. At each pause point in the Library, you'll find a QR code. Scan this using your smartphone to find out about the service, facility or space you are in. If you're unable to scan the QR code, select the matching numbered tab in this guide.

Please remember that other students and University members will be studying and working within the Library so try to keep any noise to a minimum as you explore. You may like to wear headphones to listen to any embedded videos, or alternatively read the close captions provided.

We hope you enjoy the tour!

Tour Map

Where to find us
Explore more

For more information about the Walton Library, go to the Walton Library web page. There, you will find the up-to-date opening hours, information about our space, services and facilities, directions and ways to contact us.