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Newcastle Libraries - Self Guided Tours

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The Short Loan Collection

The Short Loan Collection is a collection of library materials in heavy demand or defined as essential course reading. These books can only be borrowed for a short amount of time, so that as many students as possible can have access to the material they need.

You’re welcome to sit here at the tables and read the chapter you need for your module; or you can borrow the item using the room's self-service machine.

 Overdue charges will be payable on these items if you don’t bring them back on time, so remember to check the due date and time when you borrow them.

Don't forget that other than STC books, this room also holds the Reservations, Multiple Choice Question books, Medicine in Literature and Be Well collections.

Next stop: Walking past the STC, further away from the desk and into the Collaborative Study area, you will find Walton 5.

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